
Saturday, September 5, 2009

مهاجرت و مذهب

يکی از تأثيراي جالب و مستقيم مهاجرت، روی مذهب و اعتقادات افراده. اينجا (البته بسته به نوع رفت و آمد هاتون)، ميزان مواجهه ی شما با آثار و تبليغات مذهبی به حداقل يا صفر ميرسه. اگه مسلمون باشين، نه اذانی شنيده ميشه نه قرآنی و نه خبری از سفره ي ابوالفضل يا ماه رمضونه. حالا اين وسط، کسايی که فقط بخاطر تأثير جامعه و بمباران مذهبی رسانه هاي ايران مذهبی اند، کم کم عوض ميشن و اعتقاداتشون کمرنگ ميشه و ظرف چند سال تبديل به يه آدم متفاوت ميشن. کسايی هم که قلبن و با باور مذهبي ان، فرصت فکر کردن پيدا ميکنن و به یه اعتقاد منطقی تر ميرسن. يه اعتقاد آگاهانه، نه صرفن مقلدانه.


MOna said...

I totally agree with you.But still I know some Iranian who were very exteremist and now just because of being in contact with other Iranians can not change their outfit!

Anonymous said...

اينقدر باهاتون موافقم كه انگار خودم اين پست رو نوشتم.

Nilofar said...

I have left in 3 continents and I have seen both extremists and Godless ones. What I never understood is why the ones who turn so religious don't go back to Iran and live there where they have enough opportunities? I asked this question from a woman who was infront of me waiting by the register in a department store and was very religious iranian bullshit. She said why should we go from here, we should bring the message of Islam to the rest of the world. I am sorry for my french, but I was so close to say F... you.I think my blood pressure is going up again since I thought back on that day.

نادي said...

آره من هم كاملاً موافقم
اي كاش مي شد براي همه ايراني ها يه همچين امكاني وجود داشت كه دو سال برند يه جاي ديگه و معقول تر بشن